We attend FSCC Event at Parliament
Community Integrated Care has been proudly supporting our charity’s partners at the Future Social Care Coalition for the launch of their latest report, Carenomics.
The Future Social Care Coalition is a cross party coalition including former health and care ministers, employers and unions. Their new Carenomics report campaigns for policy makers to increase investment in social care, highlighting the value and impact that the sector has on our society and our economy.
Marking the launch of the report, the first-ever ‘Social Care Summit’ was held in the House of Commons earlier this week and brought together politicians, policy makers, care workers and people with lived experience, who all passionately made the economic case for creating a sustainable future for the sector.
With speakers such including the Former Minister for Care, Phil Hope, Baroness Kay Andrews and MP Anna Dixon, we were proud to see one of Community Integrated Care’s very own people also take to the stage.
As a proud partner of the Future Social Care Coalition, we were delighted that Tauseef, a person we support in Stockport, was asked to attend the event to share his experiences of being supported by social care.
Sharing with the audience the volunteering opportunities he’s taken up since being supported by our charity, and the joy his support team brings to his life, Tauseef was applauded by fellow speakers and audience members for highlighting the positive power of social care.
Tauseef commented: “It was my pleasure to be asked to speak at this very important event and I spent a brilliant afternoon at the House of Commons. I was proud to share insights into my life and show just how much my team mean to me and look forward to more opportunities like this in the future!”
Find out more and read the Future Social Care Coalition’s Carenomics report.