Vincent on voting!
Hi! My name is Vincent Doyle and I’m supported by Community Integrated Care in Rainhill. I’m 64 years old and have been interested in politics all my life. I can’t wait for the upcoming General Election!
When I was younger, my father and other family members would talk about politics, and I’d love to hear their debates. Being around so many discussions about political matters made me really interested too.
So, how passionate am I about politics? Well, I love to know what is happening in the news, so it is always on my TV or radio! Every Sunday morning I like to watch the Andrew Marr show and other political debate shows. I also enjoy listening to The Jeremy Vine radio show, and tune in every day.
Last year I visited London on holiday, where I visited the Houses of Parliament for the very first time. I had the opportunity to go inside the House of Commons, which had always been a dream of mine and was amazing!
Another big passion of mine is volunteering at the Store House Project, a charity in Wigan that provides food, clothing, furniture and other household essentials to people who are in need. Last year, I had the opportunity to meet the Shadow Health Secretary, Andy Burnham, when I was working here. Andy thanked me for my support for the Store House Project and asked me to keep up the good work. It was great to meet such a well-known politician!
I’ll definitely be voting on May 7th and I am looking forward to helping to decide our next government. I think I’ll probably stay up all night to watch the results as they come in – it will be really exciting!