Unfair to Care informs workforce strategy plan
We are delighted to see that our ground-breaking report, ‘Unfair to care’, has been cited within a pioneering plan, developed collaboratively by leaders in adult social care, for a future workforce strategy calling for change in the adult social care sector.
Leaders from the Association of Directors of Adult Social Services, Care Provider Alliance, Care and Support Alliance, Local Government Association, Skills for Care, Social Care Institute for Excellence and Think Local Act Personal came together for the first time, to draw up the ‘Priorities for a workforce strategy people plan’ published on Tuesday (20th July). The plan defines their collective vision of how they think a social workforce strategy should be developed and what this should include.
The plan outlines six clear priorities that have been selected and developed to reflect the key challenges currently faced by the workforce, that urgently need to be addressed. The leading bodies argue that the following priorities key and should be included in a national workforce strategy, or people plan, for adult social care:
1. Staff recognition, value and reward
2. Investment in training, qualification and support
3. Career pathways and development
4. Building and enhancing social justice, equality, diversity and inclusion in the workforce
5. Effective workforce planning
6. Expansion of the workforce in roles which are designed in coproduction with people who draw on care and support, and in roles which enable prevention, support the growth of innovative models of support
Within the plan, our ‘Unfair to Care’ report is referenced to provide insight into the current environment for the care sector workforce, in terms of how they are recognised valued and rewarded, in order to support the case for a much needed improvement in pay.
Mark Adams, CEO of Community Integrated Care, said:
“It’s fantastic to see leading sector bodies come together to create a shared vision for the future of our social care workforce. The creation of this collaborative strategy plan showcases the unified stance of leaders in the sector who recognise the urgency of the challenges our support worker colleagues face, and the pressing need for change.
We are incredibly proud that our ‘Unfair to Care’ research has informed and contributed to the development of this plan, and we are excited to see the positive impact that this work could have within adult social care.”
Find out more and read the joint strategy plan here.