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Award winners from NE & Scotland Great British Care Awards lining up with glass trophies for a photo


Success at North East & Scotland Awards!

We’re proud to celebrate the success of our colleagues and partnerships from the North East and Scotland after being awarded four incredible awards at last night’s Great British Care Awards (10th November).

  The evening, which was hosted by Steve Walls and featured performances from Ray Quinn, saw our colleague Michelle Brown take home the Care Home Worker Award, our first award of the evening. Michelle is a Support Worker at our service, The Whinnies. Having worked in social care for nine years, Michelle is dedicated and hard working and this award recognises her commitment to the sector and the people she supports.

Next to take to the stage for Community Integrated Care was Inclusive Volunteer Josephine and Sport Inclusion Specialist Kelly Daley. They proudly accepted the Care Innovator Award on behalf of Community Integrated Care & Rugby League World Cup 2021. This award recognises our incredible partnership with RLWC and the ground-breaking projects we’ve achieved together, including our Inclusive Volunteering Programme which has helped people we support like Josephine find confidence, skills and volunteering roles across the tournament.

Finally, we were thrilled to hear, not one, but two of our services called as winners in the Putting People First Award. The Putting People First Award recognises teams that can demonstrate an innovative approach to empowering people to have more control over the support they need in their lives. Putting the people we support first is at the heart of everything we do at Community Integrated Care, so we’re very proud of Albert Street in Scotland, and West Lodge in the North East for taking home this great accolade.





At the event, we had another nine fantastic finalists from across the North East and Scotland:


  • The Care Employer Award – Community Integrated Care
  • The Care Team Award – Heeley Green
  • The Home Care Registered Manager Award – Tammy Naylor, Service Leader for West Lodge
  • The Putting People First Award – Coronation Road
  • The Care Newcomer Award – Ebony Mclean, Support Worker at Peterhead
  • The Care Team Award – High Street, New Deer
  • The Frontline Leader Award – Sarah Sinclair, Regional Manager, Scotland
  • The Home Care Registered Manager Award – Claire Coutts, Service Leader, Scotland
  • The Frontline Leader Award – Karen Wood, Regional Manager, Scotland

Allison Cochrane, Managing Director for Scotland, said, “We are incredibly proud of the team at Albert Street for winning the ‘Putting People First’ Award at this year’s Great British Care Awards Regionals.”

“As a care provider, we are dedicated to delivering person-centred support so that people with care needs can live the best lives possible. The team at Albert Street have shown an outstanding commitment to achieving this, in a way that is deeply personalised to each person they support. From encouraging people to explore new skills and aspirations, to building the confidence of the people they support so that they can move into their own homes and live independently – this team have had an incredible impact and continually go above and beyond”

Marc Brodie, Managing Director for North East and Yorkshire, said, “We’re really proud to see Michelle, West Lodge and our partnership with the Rugby League World Cup 2021, take home trophies for the region. They were all really deserving winners and truly represent the very best within the North East social care sector.”

He continued, “A huge congratulations also goes to all of our finalists on the evening, across the North East and Scotland. Just to have been recognised amongst the shortlist is a fantastic achievement and we are proud of each and every one of them!”

Last night’s awards ceremony forms part of the Great British Care Award’s regional events, celebrating excellence across the sector. The ceremonies continue to take place throughout this month across other regions, with Community Integrated Care celebrating 32 finalists in total.

Winners from the regional events will go through to a National Finals taking place in 2023.

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