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Save Hundreds on Your Energy Bills… Taking Charge is BACK!

Community Integrated Care is proud to announce that it’s Taking Charge webinars return next week!

Created by our charity, Taking Charge is open for anyone to access and has been designed specially to support those accessing and working in social care, to minimise the impact of the growing energy crisis.

Offering free live webinars, engaging videos, and a suite of accessible education resources, gives people essential advice to save hundreds of pounds on their bills this year.

With the Taking Charge campaign showing ways that most households can reduce their energy bills by up to 23% by simply reducing wasted energy, and offering a raft of guidance on how people can buy better and be more energy conscious, participants can save hundreds – potentially thousands of pounds.

The campaign is led by Oliver Thomason, who has a learning disability and is employed by our charity as an Inclusion Coordinator. It offers a unique and inclusive approach to education, which is engaging for many people who have learning disabilities and require adapted information.

Following our pilot of the programme internally, 100% of our attendees have said that it has helped them to feel more confident in managing their energy bills.

These friendly and interactive half-hour webinars are running throughout October and November on the following days:-

  • Tuesdays at 11am
  • Wednesdays at 6pm
  • Thursdays at 1pm

Register for your free webinar place now at 

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