Our CEO responds to Government funding update
Responding to today’s news that the Government plans to halve the funding for the development of the adult social care workforce, Jim Kane, Chief Executive Officer at Community Integrated Care, said:
“Today’s announcement presents yet another betrayal, and more broken promises, from a Government who have continually claimed to be the ones to have “fixed social care”, all the while delaying, diluting, and now reneging on their – already inadequate – plans.
At a point when we are experiencing the highest vacancy levels on record, people are waiting longer than ever for support, and public satisfaction is at its lowest rate, it is alarming that the Government believe this is justifiable. With polling by our charity showing that 91% of the public believe social care to be important to society, it demonstrates just how far removed from reality our political leaders truly are.
The Government say that adult social care is still “at the heart” of their plans. But really, this plan is heartless – for those drawing upon care and support, their loved ones, families and carers, and for the 1.6m talented, skilled, and passionate people who make up our workforce.
Social care has the ability to be truly life-changing, supporting people to lead great lives, with dignity and choice. It offers huge social and economic value, contributing £60bn to the UK economy each year. But let us be blunt, our sector is at breaking point. These problems cannot be ignored for any longer. The Government must grasp the opportunity to work with providers, charities, sector-bodies, and those who draw upon care and support, to deliver significant wholescale reform, and in its own words, give social care the status it deserves.”