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Our 2024 Best Lives Possible Roadshow

On Wednesday 1st May we welcomed over 500 of our charity’s leaders to our 2024 Best Lives Possible Roadshow.

Hosted at Old Trafford football stadium in Manchester, colleagues and people we support from each of our regions came together to explore the strides we’ve made so far in our Best Lives Possible journey, and next steps in bringing our ambitious vision to life.

The day saw a number of incredible speakers, including Olympian Boxer, Natasha Jonas, and Chris Grant OBE, inspiring colleagues on thoughtful leadership and overcoming adversity.

Our Chief Operating Officer, Karen Sheridan, also took to the stage to present the future plans and current position of our charity’s Care and Support Planning project, which kicked off at our last Roadshow in 2022. Following an introduction to set the scene, a powerful video captured the real-life example of Roger who is moving into his dream home, thanks to the work of his team and their proactive and driven approach to his Care and Support planning.

We also heard from family members, people we support and learning disability advocates throughout the day, including in our ‘Life Without Limits’ panel session. Hosted by our Ambassador, Ross Fiddes, the session saw speakers share their invaluable perspectives on what we can all do to create further opportunities for people with support needs.

Our charity is incredibly grateful to all of our guest speakers, performers and exhibitors, volunteers, all of our attendees and everyone else who contributed to the day.

Watch our highlights video and relive some of the magical moments that made this day so special:

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