Families Help Raise £1000 for Amberleigh House
Amberleigh House, our Fazakerley-based care home that supports people with age related needs and dementia, raised over £1000 at its recent Summer Fair, paving the way for fun-filled day trips and activities for the people we support.
Amberleigh House recently established a Family Forum group where the relatives of people living at the home can support with planning activities, outings and fundraising events on behalf of their loved ones. This Summer Fair was organised and delivered by the Forum.
Their first ever fundraising event on Saturday 16 July was an action-packed Summer Fair featuring a tombola raffle, a delicious cake stall, fun and games for children as well as a fashion sale. The home raised over £1000 to put towards activities and trips out for their loved ones being cared for.
Caroline Broughall, Service Manager of Amberleigh House said: “We’re so pleased with the success of the event and the money raised. What made this fair even more special was that it was completely organised and supported by our newly established Family Forum.”
She continued: “Through their hard work and dedication, we’re now able to take the people we support on even more trips and offer a bigger range of activities. We’ve enjoyed going to House of Memories at Liverpool Museum, on trips to Southport and other seaside resorts, and to special dementia-friendly film screenings at FACT in Liverpool recently. This money means we can be even more creative and ambitious in enabling the people we support to follow their passions in the community.”