Charlotte Grange Care Home Visit from the Mayor!
Community Integrated Care’s Charlotte Grange Care Home in Flaxton Street, Hartlepool, held an Open Afternoon on Friday 10th May to celebrate the completion of refurbishment work in the home following a capital grant from the local council.
The Mayor of Hartlepool, Cllr Allan Barclay, attended the event and was impressed with the home and its recent work, particulary the potting shed area, which gives residents who enjoy gardening a fantastic area for them.
The home welcomed visitors, which included relatives and community organisations. They also welcomed pupils from the local primary school Ward Jackson who are regular visitors to the home, spending time chatting with residents and playing games.
The home was delighted that Siobhan Bookless, Contracts & Quality Officer at Hartlepool Council was able to attend the event, who was also delighted with the completed refurbishment work.
The care home is continuing to make improvements thanks to Olivia Springer, an art student at the local college who is volunteering at the home, working on some murals for the walls.
Wendy Nicholson, Manager at Charlotte Grange Care Home said:
“I am extremely proud to be the manager a Charlotte Grange and delighted with the refurbishment work. It was lovely that The Mayor of Hartlepool was able to join us and have a look round the home as well as chatting with residents. The Open Afternoon was a great opportunity for our local community to have a look round the home and join us for afternoon tea.”
Kevin Moir, Regional Quality Manager said
“It was wonderful to attend the Open Afternoon at Charlotte Grange. The improvement work at the home looks fantastic and feedback from the people we support, their relatives as well as representatives from the local authority was very positive. The Open Afternoon was also a fitting opportunity to celebrate their recent glowing CQC Report were the home was inspected and rated ‘Good’ in all areas.”
Alison Tate, Community Integrated Care’s Chief Operating Officer.
“It’s great to see that the Open Afternoon at Charlotte Grange was such a huge success and that the capital grant from Hartlepool Council has been put to good use and is already benefiting people we support in the home together with their family members.”
Charlotte Grange are also celebrating achieving a 9.3 rating on the sector’s leading care home comparison website carehome.co.uk. This puts Charlotte Grange as one of the very best care homes in the local area.
To find out more about the home call Wendy Nicholson, Manager at Charlotte Grange on 01429 860301