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We join FSCC Lobby Day for Social Care

Community Integrated Care will be joining the first Social Care Lobby Day online event today (Tuesday 19th July), hosted by the Future Social Care Coalition (FSCC), to show our support for the care sector, along with hundreds of other social care workers, and those who draw on care.

The FSCC is a cross-party, cross-sector coalition of former Ministers, private and third sector providers, trade unions, charities and those who draw on care and support. Through the lobby day they are calling on the Government to #GetSocialCareDone and fix the recruitment and retention emergency.

We will be joining hundreds of social care workers, providers and those who draw on social care to lobby Parliament and tell MPs about the crisis in social care, sharing personal stories about what it’s like on the forgotten frontline.

Despite the Government’s promises, the Adult Social Care White Paper and Build Back Better Plan reforms, social care is definitely not ‘fixed’ or ‘done’.

Current estimates indicate upwards of 150,000 vacancies in social care. The cost of living crisis is impacting – disproportionately – on those who work in social care and the sector is struggling to retain and recruit.

Community Integrated Care are supporting the FSCC Social Care Lobby Day and are calling on Government to act on social care #PayFairforCare #SocialCareisNotDone.

Mark Adams, CEO Community Integrated Care, highlights why we’re backing this important day:


The event will run from 14.30 – 16.00 and will take place via Zoom. Find out more about the lobby day and register to attend here. 

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