New team to drive excellence in Support Planning
This month we’re delighted to welcome 22 new colleagues to Community Integrated Care, as part of our ambitious Care and Support Planning project.
Care and Support Plans put the people we support at the centre of setting their own aims, identifying what’s important in their lives, and ensuring that everyone is working together to achieve the same purpose – maximising people’s independence and quality of life.
Joining us in their unique, newly-developed roles as ‘Lead Assessment Intervention Practitioners’ and ‘Assessment Intervention Practitioners’, this team will play an integral part in driving excellence in Care and Support Planning across our organisation.
The team will be specially trained in facilitating good quality, focussed conversations with the people we support and their families to produce exemplary support plans that reflect people’s choice and ambitions, and consider their human rights, citizenship and independence.
Not only will the team carry out vital assessments and review current support plans to ensure they are of the highest standard, they’ll also be working closely with our frontline colleagues across each region that we operate within, to share their skills.
Through ongoing coaching and mentoring, Community Integrated Care’s Assessment Intervention Practitioners will support frontline colleagues to lead in support planning meetings, creating plans that are truly person-centred, driven by the people we support with meaningful involvement from their loved ones.
This marks the first milestone in the project, and our investment in Care and Support Planning training for frontline colleagues.
Diane Ferguson, Community Integrated Care’s Director of Service Innovation, said, “It’s a privilege to have this fantastic team of creative individuals join our charity, and I’m excited to see the impact that they will have. At the heart of what we’re doing in Care & Support Planning is striving to ensure that the people we support are included in society, have equal opportunities to everyone else, and have real choice and independence.
In creating this new dedicated team of Assessment Intervention Practitioners, we’re not only displaying our commitment to investing in Care and Support Planning, but also ensuring that our frontline colleagues feel equipped and supported to create outstanding care plans. This, in turn, will be hugely beneficial on the people we support. The additional resource that the team will bring, will enable us to embed knowledge throughout our organisation and achieve the very best outcomes with people.”